
Now, My Son Can Travel Around Europe

Dear Salma,

I remember meeting you at CAB in Milton Keynes in April 2018 where I took your business card and made contact again earlier on in this year to follow up on my son’s application for citizenship. That notwithstanding, you dealt with my application very professionally and over the phone and emails. I had no need to visit your office. Documents which required posting were mailed out to you. 

Your help was invaluable. You were clear with all the requirements I needed, you spent time researching the required clause for this home office application which was literally honoured out the secretary of state’s discretion. It can only be a good or rather an outstanding application to win over this discretion. My son is over the moon at least now he can travel around Europe and not feel alienated before his mates as he has never had memories of being abroad, in a flight or attending trips beyond England.

Once again, thank you so much and as soon as I raise money for my remaining two kids, I shall be in contact again to make their application. You did, pretty much an amazing job. I’m so pleased.